
Lyudmila Serekbayeva
Certified business coach, business coach, psychologist, accredited trainer-teacher of the ICBT International School, head of the Charisma Training and Development Center in Astana, representative of the ICBT international school in Kazakhstan, partner of the Mentor Academy, Erfolg (Russia) . today she is also a 4D SYSTEM consultant, a licensed trainer in the FYB-ACADEMY program by M. Hilgert "Ways out of stress", Team coach.
Key data:
- work in the CIS and Europe;
- more than 10 years of experience in conducting trainings. Experience in entrepreneurship since 2007, position - head practitioner - Charisma Company has been on the market since 01/16/2014;
- format - offline/online;
- work with various audiences: government agencies, national companies , banks, construction and industrial companies, hotel and restaurant business, network companies, manufacturing enterprises, retail trade, tourist complex, etc.;
- the training is conducted by a team of professionals from the Charisma Training and Development Center.

Daribayev Zholtay Rakhimbekovich
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of Medicine, MBA - Master of Public Health. Neurologist of the highest category. Health organizer, rehabilitation doctor.
Has author's programs for the treatment of headaches, dizziness.
Main activities:
-Strokes, Osteochondrosis, Pathology of the discs of the vertebrae, Headaches, Dizziness, Sleep disturbance, Memory impairment, Pain syndrome.
More than 170 scientific publications in domestic and foreign editions, 3 copyright certificates, 2 patents.
Head of the neurological departments in Karaganda, Zhezkazgan, at the Hospital of the Medical Center of the Department of Public Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, Associate Professor of the Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics of the Karaganda State Medical University.
Technology of early diagnostics of cerebrovascular disorders has been introduced.
General experience - 34 years
In neurology - 34 years
Rehabilitology - 10 years
Information about training, retraining for the last 5 years:
1. University Medical Center AEO "Nazarbayev University" July 05, 2021 July 30, 2021 Topical issues of medical rehabilitation - 120 hours
2. LLP "Multiprofile Institute" May 24, 2021 June 04, 2021 Topical issues of ITU and rehabilitation of people with disabilities, taking into account the ICF - 40 hours
3. FSBI "St. Petersburg Institute of Education of the Ministry of Labor of Russia" September 16, 2019 September 21, 2019 Implementation of the ICF in the practice of medical and social rehabilitation - 48 hours
4. University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (USA) 3 weeks April 2018 Medical rehabilitation neurology Rehabilitation service lines
5. Duke University, Durham, USA November 2014 December 2014 The Health Care Leadership Program
6. Salzburg Weill Cornell Seminar, AUSTRIA January 26, 2014 February 1, 2014 REHABILITATION MEDICINE 7. Lithuanian Institute of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania. November 26, 2013 November 26, 2013 "Topical issues of rehabilitation" - Master class - 8 hours.
8. American Gulf International, USA. October 2013 November 2013 Healthcare Quality Tools
9. Vienna, AUSTRIA September 21, 2013 September 26, 2013 XXI World Congress of NEUROLOGY
10. University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, USA (“Bolashak”) April 29, 2013 July 28, 2013 Teaching neurology course at US Universities, innovative methods of treating neurological patients (by Bolashak)
11. AGIUV, branch in Astana June 25, 2012 June 29, 2012 "Modern clinic management" (54 hours)
12 Miami, Florida, USA January 23, 2012 January 27, 2012 International Practicum on Accreditation and Quality Improvement
13 Medical Organizations in USA (States April 14, 2012 May 12, 2012 SABIT Hospital Administration Program Pennsylvania, Minnessota, Florida and Washington DC)
14 Medical Organizations in Lausanne, SWITZERLAND November 04, 2012 November 09, 2012 Medical Management in Switzerland.

Imendinova Dinara Uysimbayevna
- candidate of medical sciences;
- doctor of the highest category;
- oncogynecologist;
- 27 years of experience.
Since 1995, he has been working in the state enterprise on the right of economic management "Multiprofile hospital No. 3 of the city of Karaganda" of the health department Karaganda region doctor oncogynecologist.
Since 1994, he has been an assistant at the Department of Oncology and Radiation Diagnostics.

Shakeyev Kayrat Tanabayevich
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Surgical Diseases No. 1 of the Karaganda State Medical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.
Education: in 1991 he graduated from the medical faculty of KSMI, from 1991-1993 he studied in internship and clinical residency at the department general surgery KSMI, 1999 cycle "Actual issues of emergency and purulent surgery" at KSMI, in 2004 specialization at the National Center for Surgery. Academician A.N. Syzganov in endovideolaparoscopic surgery, course in surgery and coloproctology at the "Shaare Zedek" hospital of Jerusalem University Israel 2007, video endoscopic surgery cycle at KSMA 2008, in 2011 training for the training of independent experts of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2012 attended a course on the development of clinical guidelines at the RCHD in Astana. founded a specialized department of coloproctology on the basis of the Regional Clinical Hospital, which he headed for 10 years (1999 to 2010), from June 2010. appointed head of the Department of Surgical Diseases No. 1 of KSMU, 2014-2016 deputy head surgeon of the Hospital of the Medical Center of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Zhakipbekova Venera Amantayevna
Associate Professor of the Department of Family Medicine of NAO "Medical University of Karaganda", Candidate of Medical Sciences;
Accredited independent expert of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
General practitioner of the highest category;
Doctor-expert of SPPVK "Polyclinic No. 3", Karaganda;
Accredited trainer for the training of accreditation specialists in the field of healthcare (KKMFD MOH RK, Canadian Society for International Health;
Accredited trainer of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the implementation of HSS;
Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

Makhambetchin Murat Maksutovich
Department assistant. General Surgery KSMI (City Clinical Hospital No. 1) 1994-1996 Deputy ch. doctor in surgery (City Clinical Hospital No. 1 of Karaganda) 1996-1997 Postgraduate study in surgery of KSMI (City Clinical Hospital No. 4) 2001-2004 Senior Researcher, Associate Professor, Surgeon of the Emergency Team for Polytrauma at the Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics from 2004 to the present day Skilled in operations to eliminate the consequences of injuries in the chest and abdominal cavity; I advise patients with complex pain syndrome; lectures on polytrauma to cadets and residents. Member of the dissertation council in medicine at the Medical University of Karaganda since 2017.
- PhD thesis on "Additional criteria for assessing pain in emergency abdominal surgery" defense in the dissertation council of the West Kazakhstan State Medical Institute. M. Ospanova 2001;
- designed a complex including a bacteriological laboratory and a laboratory of experimental traumatology and orthopedics with a vivarium at NIITO;
- proposed a new parameter of pain sensitivity - "Secondary pain reaction" // Pain, 2009, No. 2, Moscow; There are 70 publications in total. - Systematized and published evidence for the first time on the possibility of "Small" tension pneumothorax. // Vestnik khirurgii im. Grekova, 2014, No. 4, 57-61, St. Petersburg;
- monograph: "Closed chest injury: diagnostic problems". Moscow: Logosphere; 2016; 220 p.
- monograph: "Medical errors: causes, analysis and prevention" Moscow: GEOTR;
- media: 2020; 240 p., Moscow; - The highest qualification category of a surgeon since 2008;

Permenov Bekzhan Abdalimovich
Head of the Department of Cardiosurgical Resuscitation-Anesthesiology and Intensive Care of NJSC "Heart Center Shymkent" Shymkent city of Kazakhstan
- part-time doctor of ultrasound diagnostics. NJSC "Heart Center Shymkent" Shymkent city, Kazakhstan;
- concurrently Doctor cardiologist-consultant. Modular center for the treatment of patients with COVID-19. City Infectious Diseases Hospital, Shymkent, Kazakhstan;
- part-time doctor of ultrasound diagnostics. NJSC "Heart Center Shymkent" Shymkent city, Kazakhstan;
- part-time Instructor in basic, advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation;
- member of the Association of Independent Experts of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Association of Independent Experts, Kazakhstan;
01.2002-04.2002 Specialization in Neurology. Tashkent State Institute for the Improvement of Doctors. Tashkent city. Uzbekistan.
03.2007-10.2007 Fellowship at Cardiothoracic Surgery Department for Advanced Education Program in Heart Surgery for Doctors and Perfusionists
Rabin Medical Center Affiliated with the Sackler School of Medicine Tel-Aviv University Israel, Anesthesiologist.
03.2008-05.2008 Fellowship in Cardiac Anesthesia and completed training in anesthesia, transesophageal echocardiography training and intensive care treatment of cardiovascular diseases

Akynzhanova Saule
Head of the Consultative and Diagnostic Department, Occupational Pathologist at the Occupational Health Clinic of NJSC "Medical University of Karaganda".
1989-1995. Karaganda State Medical Institute, specialty "General Medicine", qualification obstetrician-gynecologist;
2004-2006 Clinical residency in the specialty "Occupational Medicine" (occupational pathology), qualification occupational pathologist;
Since 2008 PhD in the specialty "Occupational Medicine"
1996-2003 Obstetrician-gynecologist CRH Kazybekbiysky district, SUB s. Egindybulak, Karkaralinsky district.
2003-2004 gynecologist of the consultative and diagnostic department, State Enterprise "National Center for Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases" of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2006-2019 - head of the consultative and diagnostic department, occupational pathologist of the State Enterprise "National Center for Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases" of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Since 2019 - Head of the Consultative and Diagnostic Department, Occupational Pathologist at the Occupational Health Clinic of NJSC "Medical University of Karaganda".

Bramontova Svetlana Pavlovna
Director of PI "Temirtau Higher Medical College".
Has awards:
- The badge "Excellent worker of public health";
- Badge "Altyn dariger";
- 2018-badge "Bilim take salasynyn uzdigі";
- 2018 - medal "Astana 20 Zhyl";
- 2018 - medal "Kazakhstan Constitutionyasyna 25 zhyl";
- 2020 - medal "To the 25th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan";
- 2021-Badge "Medbikel_k ist_ damytuga koskan үlesі ushіn".
Admission 1977-1983 Karaganda State Medical Institute, majoring in General Medicine.
2002-2004 Kazakh-Russian Institute with a degree in Management.
2020- master's program Siberian State Medical University master's degree in "Nursing Management"
1983-1987 Medical unit of the p/o "Karbid" district physician-therapist.
1987-1997 - Head of practical training at the Temirtau Medical School
1997 - present - Director of the Temirtau Higher Medical College
From 2011 to 2022 - Chairman of the NGO "Association of paramedical and pharmaceutical workers in Temirtau".
From 2016 to 2019 - Deputy of the Maslikhat of the Karaganda region.
Member of the Supervisory Board of the State Enterprise "Polyclinic No. 4 in Temirtau".

Uteubayeva Roza Dusayevna
Rehabilitation doctor of the highest qualifying qualification category.
1988-1994 - sanitary doctor of the Michurinsk district SES of the Karaganda region.
1995 - after undergoing retraining "physiotherapy exercises and medical supervision" she was accepted as a physiotherapy doctor in the spinal department of the Center for Neurology and Neurosurgery in Karaganda, from November 1995 - she moved to KSMI as a laboratory doctor at the department of exercise therapy, VC and physiotherapy, then she was promoted to the post of assistant of the department. Since 2019, after the renaming of the Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery, Psychiatry, Rehabilitation, she was transferred to the position of assistant professor of this department, where I have been working since this day.
Since 1998-1999 - was the deputy dean of the medical faculty of KSMA.
Since 1999-2001 -was the dean of the medical faculty of KSMA.
In 2008, she underwent retraining in the specialty "Physiotherapy and Balneology".
Repeatedly passed advanced training in Almaty ASIUV, Astana MUA with a degree in medical rehabilitation, in Kazan KSMA "Neurorehabilitation of patients with stroke", Yekaterinburg - "Innovative technologies in rehabilitation and rehabilitation treatment." She participated in the work of master classes held by the Medical University of Karaganda, medical communities and organizations in the field of medical rehabilitation and rehabilitation treatment in cardiology, neurology, traumatology and orthopedics.
In 2016, she participated in the organization of the Neurorehabilitation Center "LUCH", after the opening of this center from 2017 to 2021 she works as a rehabilitation doctor. Responsible for the rehabilitation department.
Since 2021, she has been working as the head of the rehabilitation department of GEBA CLINIC LLP in Karaganda.

Yeskaliyeva Altynay Tukenovna
Director of the Public State Enterprise "Polyclinic No. 4 in Temirtau", a doctor of the highest category in the specialty of social hygiene and healthcare organization, a doctor of the highest category in the specialty of narcology, an accredited expert in the field of assessing the quality of medical services. Author of a monograph, guidelines, scientific articles.
1991-1993 - The first city clinical hospital. Karaganda. Internship in the specialty of surgery.
1993-1997 - SUB village named after K. Amanzholov, Karkaralinsky district, Karaganda region.
1997-2001 - Auliekol CRH, Regional Medical Center of Karagada. Resuscitator-anaesthesiologist.
2001 - Karaganda regional narcological center. Doctor in resuscitation.
2002 - Karaganda regional narcological center. Deputy director for medical work.
2009 - KGKP "Regional Specialized Treatment and Prevention Institution". Director.
2011 State Enterprise "Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Medical and Social Problems of Drug Addiction" of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Director.
2015 PI "Temirtau Higher Medical College" teaches at the advanced training department.
2015 KGP "Polyclinic No. 4 of Temirtau" UZKO of the Karaganda region. Director.

Mergeneva Aygul' Kakenovna
Head of the Department of Prenatal Diagnostics, Doctor of the highest category in ultrasound diagnostics, expert.
Doctor obstetrician-gynecologist of the first category.
Obstetrician-gynecologist of the Regional Maternity Hospital of Karaganda, 1993-1998.
Doctor of ultrasound diagnostics of the Regional Maternity Hospital of Karaganda 1998-2005.
Head of the radiology department of the Perinatal Center No. 2 in Astana since 2005.
Doctor of ultrasound diagnostics at the Medical Center "Medeu MAK" part-time since 2015.
Proficient in ultrasound diagnostics of pregnant women at different times (screenings), 4D, Doppler, ultrasound examination of the thyroid, breast, prostate, abdominal organs and kidneys

Amangel'diyeva Alma Maratovna
Senior physician of the Clinical and Diagnostic Regional Center for Phthisiopulmonology.
- organize and carry out in full anti-tuberculosis activities aimed at the maximum reduction of epidemiological indicators in the service area of the Clinical and Diagnostic Department under the leadership of the Head of the Clinical and Diagnostic Department for the city of Moscow. Karaganda;
- to constantly carry out organizational and methodological, management of district phthisiatricians in planning and carrying out preventive, medical-diagnostic, sanitary-educational, anti-epidemic and other anti-tuberculosis measures;
- to provide clinical diagnostic, therapeutic pulmonological care to the population;< br>- to master and introduce new innovative technologies for the diagnosis and treatment of patients, to improve existing forms and methods of treating patients, health education, anti-epidemic work and scientific organization of labor.
- to develop in relation to concrete under certain conditions, organizational forms that ensure the most complete coverage of the population with anti-tuberculosis activities and submit them for approval to the director, head of the clinical diagnostic department; before registering all newly diagnosed patients with tuberculosis and making entries in outpatient cards.

Dzhabayeva Sabina Yesengel'dyyevna
Head of the hemodialysis center of LLP "B.B.NURA" Representative offices in the city of Karaganda, phthisiatrician (adult / child).
Phthisiology (adult, pediatric) 864h/16 weeks/August 2013
Qualification: phthisiatrician
Karaganda State Medical University
Pulmonology (pediatric) 864h/16 weeks/December 2020
NJSC "Medical University of Karaganda"
Qualification: phthisiatrician
Neprology (adult, pediatric) 864 h/16 weeks /June 2018/
Qualification: doctor - nephrologist
Kazakh Institute of Professional Development, Astana, under the National Chamber of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Scientific internship at the International Medical University Barcelona (Barcelona) on the topic: "Management of scientific research", 2018.
Work experience:
2012- present. CSE on REM "Regional Center for Phthisiopulmonology" Phthisiopulmonologist
2013-2017 - Karaganda State Medical University - assistant of the department "Children's diseases No. 1"
April 2018-June 2019 - nephrologist Hemodialysis center LLP "B.B.NURA" Representative office in Karaganda.
06/01/2019 - present Head of the hemodialysis center of B.B.NURA LLP Representative offices in the city. Karaganda.

Shanov Marat Temirbulatovich
Doctor Anesthesiologist-Resuscitator GKP on REM "City Multidisciplinary Hospital No. 2", Astana with an international certificate for BLS (Basic Life Support)

Lyubchenko Marina
Psychiatrist of the highest category, psychotherapist of the highest category, independent expert in the specialty - "Psychiatry", candidate of medical sciences, associate professor.
March-April 2007 "Innovative technologies in medical education", 108 hours - KSMU
April 2007 "Topical issues of psychiatry" 156 hours, - KSMU
April 2008 "Anxiety and depressive disorders in modern medicine", Almaty. KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov and Russian State Medical University. Moscow
09.02.2009-20.02.2009 "Selected issues of examination of the quality of medical services" 72 hours, A.O. Medical University of Astana
06.04.2009-06.07.2009 "Medical psychology and psychotherapy" 462 hours, KSMU
28.09.2009-30.09.2009 "Implementation of the Unified National Health System" 24 hours KSMU
26.04.2010-25.05.2010 "Selected issues of quality assessment" 216 hours, KSMU
27.09.2010-27.10.2010 "Competence-based approach in graduate training" - 54 hours KSMU
12.12.2011-14.12.2011 "Modernization of psychiatric service is a necessary condition for improving public mental health" 18 hours State Research Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry named after. Serbian Moscow
September 2009-January 2011 "Systemic family and marital therapy" 700 hours - Moscow Institute of Integrative Family Systemic Therapy
20.06.2011-21.06.2011 Introduction to the quality management system and SWOT analysis 18 hours KSMU
02.05.2012-16.05.2012 Family psychology and psychotherapy» - 72 hours Kaz.NMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov,
01.10.2012-14.10 2012 Treatment and care of drug addicts. Drug treatment of addiction and certain groups of the population”, 108 hours RCMSPN, Pavlodar
11.12.2012-15.12.2012 "Express psychotherapy" 54h. KSMU
08.10.2012-02.11.2012 Actual problems of psychiatry» 216 hours.
21.02.2013-22.02.2013 "Topical issues of evidence-based medicine and drug provision" 9 hours, KSMU
October 2012- December 2013 "Integrative Therapy of Sexual Disorders" - 144 hours Moscow Institute of Integrative Family Systemic Therapy
September 2012- January 2014 "Systemic and structural constellations" - 328 hours Moscow Institute of Integrative Family Systemic Therapy
27.01.2014- 01.02. 2014 "Diagnosis of suicidal behavior in children and adults" - 54 hours Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Pedagogical Education in Almaty
2015 Child-parent systemic counseling and counseling of children with the basics of child psychiatry, 288 hours, Moscow
2016 Projective methods in psychotherapy and counseling, 32 hours, Moscow
2019 Clinical and psychological support of the treatment and diagnostic process. Psychotherapeutic rehabilitation environments. 108 hours, Karaganda.
2020 Theory and practice of marital counseling, 420 hours, Moscow.
2021 Long-term mental disorders after COVID 19. 18 hours
2021 Mental health and COVID 19. 18 hours.
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